Vehicle for Home Power

What A Ceramic Rotary Engine Range Extender Vehicle Could Do When Garaged At Home

Vehicle with CRE Range Extender
  • CRE Range Extender in Vehicle Can Supply Electricity to Home When in Garage
  • Clean Exhaust Heat From Garaged Vehicle Can Be Piped Through Ducts or Baseboards Around a Home and Out Through The Chimney
  • The Range Extender could run on piped Natural Gas or Biofuels Into The Garage

Possible Scenario:
High Temperature Combustion should result in the almost complete oxidation of hydrocarbon fuels producing carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and water vapor.
As CO2 and NO2 are partially soluble in water, the water vapor exhaust could contain a solution/mixture of carbonic and nitric acids.
Instead of a catalytic converter, the rear of the exhaust could be fitted with a removable cartridge containing a packed bed of calcium oxide (CaO). Carbonic and nitric acids would react with the CaO to produce calcium carbonate and calcium nitrate. The cartridge could then be emptied and the contents used as fertilizers. A fresh cartridge of CaO can be inserted into the exhaust from time to time (or during a service call).